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The Penny Rollers (8-10pm)

September 24, 2011
Southern Appalachian Brewery
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822 Locust St., Ste 100, Hendersonville, United States, 28792

The Penny Rollers can be confined to no single musical genre. The timeless original tunes composed by lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist Gwyn Waller are a blend of old country, blues, rock n roll and even latin music. Her soulful voice has been compared to the rockin power of Janis Joplin as well as the sweet twang of Loretta Lyn. Gwyn also keeps the crowd on its toes by pulling off snazzy solos on the harmonica and kazoo while simultaneously playing guitar and singing. The group also enjoys surprising the crowd with an occasional latin traditional tune like “cielito lindo”.  She is accompanied by the solid rhythm of Kirk Trowell on the drum kit, Tim Comstock as the back bone on the upright bass and the electric leads of guitarist Ronnie Buchanan. The Penny Rollers are based out of the mountains of Burnsville, North Carolina and are currently performing for audiences all around western North Carolina. So be prepared to have their songs stuck in your head!

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