Possum Royale is *delighted* that friend Charlie Wilkinson and his bass guitar (aka Charlie Wilkinson’s Bass Guitar) will be joining us at SAB for this performance. That’s Charlie on the left in the photo, likely thinking something along the lines of “This ain’t how he played it at rehearsal!” Or maybe he’s not looking at me at all and, instead, is watching somebody eat the sandwich left unattended so he could come play his bass guitar (still aka Charlie Wilkinson’s Bass Guitar – do try to keep up) with us. It is a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll. Less far to the top if all you wanna do is play Charlie Wilkinson’s Bass Guitar with Possum Royale. I have not been able to confirm whether that travel cup or cannister of Clorox Wipes will make the gig – calls keep rolling to voicemail. Hmph.
Come join us, won’t you? We’d love to play for you and/or hug your necks. Truth.
100% of tips will go directly to Hurricane Helene relief efforts.
Please: Let’s all of us try to help whoever we can however we can.