Okay. This right here just might be THE engagement Possum Royale* was made for. March 22nd = National Goof Off Day and…shoot…we might not even bring our gear and instruments and whatnots. Maybe we’ll just show up with our porta-hammocks and embrace the spirit and/or intent of the day. For the children. (But probably we will go ahead and play that rootsy mishmash of folk, country, and blues the way we do. Probably). Y’all come get goofy with us. Gawrsh. Very gawrsh indeed.
*Possum Royale is Richard Brock, Todd Hoke, and Charles Wilkinson and they recognize that Mickey is a mouse and Donald is a duck and Pluto is a dog but they cannot state with authority what the heck Goofy is. Also: 100% of tips will be donated toward Helene relief efforts in/around WNC. Just fyi, there.